CPG Rentals offers a complete line of portable generators and power distribution equipment.  We cater to our clientele in the Motion Picture and Special Events Industry with fast response time and outstanding service.  In addition, we provide backup power for both commercial and industrial buildings.

 Full Fleet of Generators ranging from 3000Watts – 5000Amp units
• Studio Quiet Generators
• Paralleling Generators
• Industrial Generators
• 120V, 240V, 480V, Step Up and Step Down Transformers
• ISO Transformers
• Power Disconnect Switches

Our exceptional services include:


​Shop a wide assortment of generators
​and power distribution equipment including:

CPG Rentals has a full fleet of power generators

CPG Rentals uses surveys, interviews, and observation to conduct a comprehensive service audit.

portable generators and power distribution equipment 


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• Maintenance
• 24/7 Technical Support
• Equipment Deliveries and Pick Ups
• On-site Fueling Services 24/7
• Licensed Electrical Contractor
• Electrical Permits
• On-site Stand By Technician

We are committed to providing the best service for our customers with reliable equipment and 24/7 support. Contact us now!